I submitted two articles to the National Association for Music Education (NaFME) blog. Read about ukulele in schools. And how fiddling increases engagement in the school orchestra.

Both articles got published! 🙂

One article talks about trying out ukulele in schools. You can read it here.

The other article is about Flexible Fiddling building engagement in the school orchestra. You can read it here.

It’s exciting to see my ideas gaining traction in the music teaching world. And it’s fun to encourage other teachers to teach music creatively.

Our young people will gain from a  creative and joyful approach to learning. Standards can still be high. Yet we need to remember to keep music-making joyful, community-based, and creative. I contribute to these goals through my teaching. And through my outreach to teachers still working in the classroom.

Hi! I’m a Musician, Composer and Teacher.

Enjoy my Creative Musical Musings email each week on Tuesdays. You will get ideas on how to love and play music better. And you’ll get a FREE eBook!